Montag, 19. November 2007

ITS ceases to exist

Press release posted on the European Parliament web on the 14th of November 2007.

End of the Identity , Tradition and Sovereignty political group as Romanian MEPs leave

Vice-President of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott (EPP-ED, UK), announced the end of the Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty Group in the European Parliament as they fell below the required number of MEPs (20) needed to form a political group. The announcement was made at the end of the voting session in Strasbourg.

Mr McMillan-Scott, who was chairing the sitting, said: "I have today received letters from Mrs Daniela Buruianä-Aprodu and Mr Cristian Stanescu announcing their decision to leave the ITS Group. Parliament takes note of this decision with effect from today, 14 November 2007.

Taken together with the announcements already made this week concerning 3 Members leaving the group, I conclude that the number of members of the ITS Group has now fallen below the minimum of 20 Members required to form a political group laid down by Rule 29, paragraph 2.

Parliament therefore takes note of the fact that the ITS Group no longer fulfils the conditions of the Rules of Procedure for the formation of a group. As a consequence, the group ceases to exist with effect from the moment of this announcement."

Amendments proposed by ITS

These amendments where proposed by the extreme right ITS parliament group, in september this year, on the report: On policy priorities in the fight against illegal immigration of third country nationals (A6-0323/2007):

Fa. whereas a policy of immigration within the European Union requires Member States to honour the following principles: solidarity, fair cooperation, and respect for the right of peoples to self-determination and control of their borders,

Ma. whereas, in order to resolve the many problems linked to immigration, it is necessary first and foremost to address their causes; whereas, in this connection, the Member State populations must be informed, and their awareness raised, of the negative aspects of uncontrolled immigration (unemployment, insecurity, violence, economic and social costs, integration, underground economy, etc.) rather than trying always to paint a positive picture of it,

3a. Recalls that decisions on immigration policy in the European Union are taken unanimously; takes the view that, with due regard for the full sovereignty of the Member States, there is no need to provide for activation of the passerelle clause provided for in Article 42 TEU;

14. Stresses that all measures to fight clandestine immigration and step up external border controls must be consistent with the existing guarantees and the fundamental rights of individuals, in line with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, but that this does not exclude the right to return individuals to the border;

51a. Takes the view that facilitating access to a legal residence permit for women living clandestinely in the Union who are victims of trafficking in human beings is not in itself a solution, and that first, in order to fight more effectively against illegal immigration and the trafficking of all kinds that it engenders, the dangerous Schengen agreements, which positively encourage such uncontrolled, clandestine immigration, should be done away with;

Mittwoch, 14. November 2007

Written about ITS Group

Quote from - 9th of November 2007 about the ITS Group
Article: "Far-right European parliament group on verge of collapse"
"The diverse group also houses politicians from France's and Belgium's anti-immigrant National Front and Vlaams Belang, as well as Andrew Mölzer (an Austrian MEP kicked out of a far-right party in Austria for being too extremist), Dimitar Stoyanov (a Bulgarian MEP who caused a ruckus in the parliament last year when he circulated a derogatory email about Roma people) and two Italian MEPs Luca Romagnoli and Alessandra Mussolini.
Another of its members, UK MEP Ashley Mote, is currently in jail for benefit fraud.During its months as a group, it has failed to act as a coherent political faction appearing to bear out analysts predictions that its various parts have little to unite them."